Calculator Launches + Shutdown alerts

 Welcome to a new post on my blog! I Will News something from my website

New 1: (Calculator

The Calculator Appears to the web page  as simple as all other calculators but in html without css or js files or anything


 No Modify or add something in the console with the CTRL SHIFT I and save the page to edit (It may be protected)


New 2: 2 Pages to end the support and turn off completely

WindowsScRpDev and filermdin Pages end their support and they will change to my page soon

What's the matter? 

The pages will no longer have support for the use of the page and the group of discord equal to windowsscrpdev but not the discord (he does not have a group) the pages no longer have activity that people were supposed to visit
Thank you very much to the users who added the files of the other old neoicites website (banned for putting a login page) and this one that no longer has activity

What happens next with filermdin?

He will continue to be active by changing to my web page putting everything that happened before but something will be deleted
Don't worry :D your files will remain that you uploaded

what happens now with the public 1 folder?
It would be deleted but it would be renamed public 1 where there are the files that were uploaded to a new one of "user files" and "Administrators or moderators files"

What about windowsscrpdev?
It is completely eliminated because it no longer has support and even the WindowsDev machine will no longer have support, the one that was eliminated before having this shutdown alert

Could Windows scrpdev and filermdin code be restored or shared?
Only filermdin can be restored but Windowsscrpdev cannot
and 2
We do not want to share our code of any of the 2 until we speak to make an equal to filermdin (windowsscrpdev will not have support) you will have to put watermark to the original page
remember: we do not share the code

Thank You For Reading :D


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